European buying partnership Coopernic has come to an end after “irreconcilable differences” between four members and a fifth, the French retail giant E. Leclerc.

Belgiuan retailer Colruyt, Italy’s Conad, Swiss grocer Coop and German retailer Rewe are to form their own alliance after disagreement with Leclerc over the future direction of Coopernic.

“Colruyt, Conad, Coop and Rewe Group separated from E. Leclerc because of irreconcilable differences regarding the shape and strategic development of the alliance in the future,” Rewe said. “The start-up linking these four partners is subject to approval from the respective national antitrust authorities.”

Rewe added: “All business operations, contracts and rights and obligations deriving from Coopernic will remain unchanged and continue in full swing until 31 December 2013.”