Dairy firm Sodiaal has today (8 January 2014) confirmed the completion of a merger with counterpart 3A following the deal being announced by just-food in June 2013.

The deal allows Sodiaal and 3A to join forces ahead of “a context of change” in the dairy sector with the end of EU milk quotas around 2015 read a statement at the time.

The merger is expected to take Sodiaal’s annual revenues to more than EUR5bn (US$6.8bn).

3A has a broad portfolio of cheeses including Massif Central AOC such as Fourme, Bleu, Cantal, Saint-Nectaire as well as Roquefort and AOC Brie de Meaux and Munster.

Its business also extends to yogurt-making, patisserie, frozen deli products and whey.