Chaser, a new dietary supplement that claims to prevent the symptoms of hangovers before they start looks set to make its debut in Europe later this year.

Chaser is sold in the USA by Living Essentials ( First introduced in the USA in mid-2001, the product, containing calcium carbonate and vegetable carbon, claims to work by binding to substances in drinks, known as congeners, which are by-products of the fermentation process that creates alcohol.

Drinks with a lot of colour such as red wine tend to have higher levels of congeners and, along with dehydration, these are thought to cause many of the symptoms of a hangover. Living Essentials says it has clinical trials to support these claims, although this data has not yet been made public.

Thomas Morse, president of Living Essentials, told at Natural Products Expo Europe that the company has already been given the go-ahead to market Chaser as a dietary supplement in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. A distributor in Finland is close to being appointed, and Chaser is likely to be launched there in the fourth quarter.

Two Chaser capsules should be taken an hour before drinking, along with plenty of water, so as to prevent the effects of up to four drinks, says the firm. Two more should be taken if the number of drinks consumed exceeds six.