A proposed EU law mandating compulsory front-of-pack labels, listing the amounts of energy, fat, saturates, sugar and salt in a food product, is expected to be tabled by the European Commission by the end of the year.

Brussels officials told just-food today (13 November) that the plan had been drafted on public health grounds by the Commission’s health directorate-general.

The proposals are at present being examined by the Commission’s agriculture, internal market and trade departments.

The official said it was open to changes to the proposals from other departments in the Commission but it was “probable” that the original plan would prevail.

Ministers and MEPs would then be asked to approve new rules for general and nutritional labelling applying throughout the 27 EU countries this December.

The amount of the nutrients in the product would be expressed in terms of grams per 100g, as is the case with many food and other products at present. The labels would also carry guidelines as to the daily amount deemed appropriate.

It remains too early to confirm reports that the Commission favours front-of-pack Guideline Daily Amount labelling.