In a move designed to provide local, higher quality service in the Danish market, Belgium frozen food manufacturers Pinguin and Lutosa have agreed to share a local sales office.  Their new representative has been announced as René Vestergaard, and he will be in a position to provide customers with faster access to availability, quality and delivery information.

The recent high rainfall in Belgium has given both companies raw material supply problems but they claim this will not affect their ability to service the Danish market. 

Pinguin is a major European producer of frozen vegetables, fruits and herbs, with an annual output of over 150.000 tons from seven production units, of which three are in France. The company supplies food-manufacturers, foodservices and retail-markets with own label and/or private label. An increasing focus of the business is now Home Replacement Meals including pasta, rice, potatoes and wheat-based meals.

Lutosa is one of Europe’s largest producers of frozen and chilled potato products with an annual finished product output of 300.000 tons. Like Pinguin, they supply retailers, food-service and industrial users with their own label or private brands.