A new study from Denmark’s Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA) and National Board of Health concludes that certain segments of the population need supplements to avoid vitamin-D deficiency.
The sun is the most important vitamin-D source, and with this in short supply for roughly half the year in northern climates, the study found that the elderly, dark-skinned people and those who dress to avoid sun contact are in a high risk group.
The study found that up to 80% of the adult population, especially the elderly, get too little vitamin-D and that around 25% suffer from a deficiency.
The project group are considering a recommendation of ten-microgram vitamin-D supplements for the risk groups, and a higher dose for elderly in care. The over-65 age group should also take calcium supplements.
Danes in general have low vitamin-D levels and dietary supplements are the best solution. Information on the findings is being distributed to doctors and chemists nationwide and translated into Somali, Urdu, Turkish, Serbo-Croatian/Bosnian, Albanian, Farsi and Arabic.