Mexican bakery giant Grupo Bimbo has committed to reaching a target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

The company, reputed to be the world’s largest bakery business, said the roadmap towards this commitment has been “carefully defined”.

Bimbo’s commitment announcement coincides with the COP26 climate change summit, which is being staged in the UK.

The group said it has identified three intermediate goals on the path towards net zero: eliminating Scope 2 emissions by 2025, as well as reducing 50% of Scope 1 and 28% of Scope 3 by 2030.

The three Scopes are ways of categorising the different levels of carbon emission a company creates in its own operations and its wider value chain.

Bimbo said its net zero commitment “considers emissions for its entire value chain, covering all Scopes across all activities”.

It includes switching to 100% renewable energy, moving to lower carbon logistics and vehicles, implementing energy efficiency strategies and supporting suppliers and partners in reducing their emissions through technological innovation.

Bimbo claimed its net zero pledge is the first of a series of “ambitious goals” it has defined through a new sustainability platform.

Daniel Servitje, Grupo Bimbo’s chairman and CEO said: “I am proud that Grupo Bimbo can continue contributing to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and is actively looking for ways to limit the damaging effects of global warming.

“Our new sustainability platform has been defined with long-term ambitious goals which are intimately linked to our purpose, to nourish a better world.

“Grupo Bimbo is a company with a long track record on social and environmental initiatives, as we launch our new platform, we are taking the necessary steps towards fully integrating sustainability with our overall business strategy and publicly committing to continue positively impacting the future.”

Last week, the business revealed two new acquisitions – the purchase of US popcorn maker Popcornopolis and a move to buy India bakery company Kitty Bread.