Consumer Interface is our bi-annual journal for senior executives from the Consumer Packaged Goods industry
This volume features articles on Growth & Shareholder Value, Innovation & Growth, and Functional Foods:
The Growth Journey: Creating Growth and Value
As efficiency becomes the price of survival, the future will reward not piecemeal optimisation, but growth – and the ongoing reinvention that drives it. To understand the importance of growth, PricewaterhouseCoopers Global Management Consulting Practice examined its impact on shareholder value by studying the value creation record of Fortune 500 companies over the ten-year period from 1988 to 1998. Here, Vivek Kapur, project partner, and Robert Sperry, principal consultant, share the key elements of the resulting Growth Framework enabling companies to determine their current state of “growth fitness” relative to best-in-class firms and learn from the Growth Principles adopted by the most successful growers.
The Key to the Combination Lock: Innovation and Growth
Innovation is no longer shrouded in mist, the exclusive property of a creative product development team. Dr Trevor Davis’ research over the past five years has shown that it can be investigated, defined and measured to remove the mystique and reveal the characteristics of real, rather than reinvented, innovation. The key findings from PricewaterhouseCoopers’ recent survey “Innovation and Growth: a global perspective” presented here, show that innovation is about much more than investing in R&D; it has to be both systemic and customer-focused. The correlation between innovation and revenue growth reaffirms its importance and places it firmly on the strategic agenda. Companies must invest in innovation now, to ensure their differentiation – and survival in the future.
Functional Foods: Unconventional Growth and Value
In recent times and relative to the broader market, both US and European food producers have under-performed in terms of creating shareholder value. Guy Iacono, London-based consumer packaged goods business development consultant, examines an increasingly popular growth avenue for packaged food companies: the development of so-called “functional foods.” The article introduces the current market – definitions, players, consumer acceptance and critical success factors – and comments on the competition between food and pharmaceuticals companies to succeed in this high-growth space.