Bonduelle, the French supplier of canned, fresh and frozen vegetables, has re-opened a factory in Russia close to the border to Ukraine.
The company yesterday (24 February) halted production at the site in Belgorod, located some 25 miles from the Ukrainian border.
However, the business told Just Food the factory, which manufacturers frozen products, had resumed output this morning.
Bonduelle has three factories in Russia but no manufacturing presence in Ukraine.
The company’s sales across Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States are around EUR150m (US$167.7m) a year. The company generates under EUR10m of its annual sales in Ukraine.
In Bonduelle’s last full financial year, which ran to 30 June, the business booked EUR2.78bn in annual revenue.
Yesterday, Nestlé said it had halted the manufacturing and distribution of its products in Ukraine.
The Swiss giant, which has three factories and 5,000 staff in Ukraine, said it had “temporarily closed our factories, warehouses and supply chain” in the country.