Nestle has teamed up with Belgium-based nutrition technology firm Fugeia to develop a range of products containing fibre ingredient Brana Vita.

The collaboration, announced yesterday (8 November), will see the two firms join forces to develop foods to address the nutritional requirements of consumers for the global market using Brana Vita. The ingredient contains arabinoxylan oligosaccharides (AXOS), soluble fibres derived from wheat bran, designed to stimulate the growth of colon bacteria.

The ingredient recently won food approval in the European Union and obtained GRAS (Generally Recognised As Safe) status in the US.

“This collaboration first of all aims to strengthen scientific evidence for the benefits of Brana Vita,” said Fugeia’s managing director and founder Willem Broekaert. “With our combined capabilities I am confident that we will develop novel applications addressing well defined nutritional requirements, based on the newest scientific insights.”

Financial details of the collaboration were not disclosed.