Australia-based salads supplier HS Fresh Food has appointed administrators.

The company, which has operations in Tasmania, Western Australia and New South Wales, has appointed FTI Consulting, a filing with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission shows.

The business, which is reported to have approximately 500 employees, is a manufacturer of salad bowls, packaged salad and pre-made meals. It sells into retailers including Woolworths and Coles, Australia’s two largest grocers.

The salad producer reportedly collapsed because of tough market conditions.

“We are working with HS Fresh Food Group’s management team and staff, and other stakeholders to continue operations while we secure the future of the business,” FTI Consulting’s Vaughan Strawbridge said in a statement reported in various media outlets in Australia.

“A sale process for the business and assets of the HS Fresh Food Group was undertaken and in advanced stages at the time of our appointment. We intend to continue this process, while exploring all available options, and are confident of completing a sale and/or recapitalisation of the business in an expedited time frame with the support of all relevant stakeholders.”

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The company markets products under brands including Houston’s Farm, Sunfresh, Gourmet Selections and HS Fresh Farms.

The company started doing business as Houston’s Farm in Tasmania, where it’s still headquartered. It later expanded across Australia.