Argentine dairy company Mastellone Hermanos will invest US$15m in a new demineralised whey plant in Trenque Lauquen, in the province of Buenos Aires.

The plant, which will start operations in late 2012, will be able to process 1.3m litres of whey a day, equivalent to 500,000 litres of milk.

The new facility means Mastellone will be able to free up a second plant in Buenos Aires, which will be used to process an extra million litres a day into powdered milk. Mastellone processes 4.5m litres of milk a day at this location.

This increase in production will be solely destined for exportmarkets. “Brazil, Venezuela and Algeria are our main foreign markets nowadays. We aim to strenghten our position there but also explore other opportunities,” a source from Mastellone told just-food today (16 September). The company exports dairy products to over 30 countries including the US, Russia, Mexico and Chile.

However, the source added: “Our main focus continues to be our domestic market and we destine the surplus to exports.”

Mastellone is a local partner to French dairy giant Danone in the production of yoghurts, milk and cheese. In 2000, Danone bought the majority of Mastellone’s shares in key dairy arm La Serenisma.