A focus among frozen food makers in the US on launching products targeting consumer demand for convenience and health will continue to drive the category – even when the country’s economy emerges from recession, new research has claimed.
Sales of frozen food in the US are forecast to grow by 25% between 2008 and 2013 to reach US$64.8bn, analysts Packaged Facts have claimed.
The US frozen food aisle has been boosted as consumers eat out less during the downturn but the researchers said the category will continue to grow as suppliers focus on health and convenience, Packaged Facts aid.
“The good news for the frozen foods industry is that consumers appear to be cutting back on away-from-home meal purchases and buying more convenient frozen items to eat at home or to ‘brown bag” to work for lunch,” Packaged Facts said in its report: ‘Frozen Foods in the U.S., 2nd Edition’.
“Even as the nation begins to pull out of recession in late 2009 or early 2010 frozen foods will continue to be buoyed by new convenience- and health-targeted introductions.”