Everything about the Chinese market is characterised by size and scale. Our reporter on the spot, Dominique Patton, gives a round-up of some of the impressive numbers that were cited by speakers at the summit this week.
“We sell 1,000 tons of Norwegian salmon here each year.” – Peter Schweighofer, vice president of food buying at German chain Metro, which supplies Shanghai’s top hotels and restaurants
“About 95% of our customers get here by bus or by bike.” – Harry Zhang, director of operations at Wal-mart, which has laid on a free shuttle bus to bring customers to its stores
“Less than 10% of meat is packaged in China but my guess is that in 10 years time, 60% of the meat will be in packaging.” – Bill Hickey, chief executive and president of Sealed Air Cryovac
“China consumes more of all the world’s major resources than the US, apart from oil. It consumes nearly twice as much meat, and nearly three times as much steel. And if the Chinese economy keeps growing like this, and they want to have as many cars as we do in the US, there will be 1.1 billion cars on the road by 2031. Today our global fleet is 800m.” – Lester Brown, founder and president of the Earth Policy Institute
“We have created a 3,000 acre potato farm in Inner Mongolia, right on the edge of the desert.” – Michael White, chief executive of PepsiCo
“By 2015, China’s third tier cities will have a spending power of US$750 billion, dwarfing the country’s first and second tier cities.” – Glen Murphy, managing director of AC Nielsen China
“The Chinese spend 36% of their per capita income on food although it is increasingly going to packaged and processed products with higher added value than before.” – Benoit Rossignol, managing director of Shiyao Investment
“Over 70% of the labour force still earn less than US$1000 per year.” – Fan Gang, director of the National Institute of Economic Research
“Only around 4% of China’s logistics services are 3PLs.” – Victor Fung, chairman of sourcing group Li & Fung