Non-GMO Grape-Nuts Original cereal will be available in US stores this month, Post Holdings has revealed.
“Post has released a non-GMO verified Grape Nuts that is on the store shelves as of January, 2014,” the company told campaign group GMO Inside, part of consumer group Green America.
“We are exploring some of our other cereals to see if there is potential going forward to add more non-GMO verified products to the Post Foods product line,” Post added.
Post was unavailable for further comment at time of press.
The move follows an announcement from General Mills earlier this month that its original Cheerios will be certified GMO-free.
“GMO Inside thanks Post for removing GMOs from Grape-Nuts Original and congratulates them for doing it right with third party verification,” said Green America GMO Inside campaign director Nicole McCann. “We’re glad Post is also considering removing GMOs from other cereals and look forward to seeing them on the shelves. We would also love to see Post supporting mandatory GMO labelling.”
The GMO debate has gained widespread public attention in the US, with GMO-free lobbyists calling for mandatory labelling of GMO ingredients. Industry bodies representing the food industry – notably the Grocery Manufacturers Association – have opposed the introduction of labelling rules by state legislators and emphasised the widespread use of GMO crops in the US would make it impossible to convert the supply chain to a GMO-free footing.
Proposed legislation was voted down in the states of Washington and California last year, while Connecticut passed a compromise deal that would see legislation enacted if it was supported by four other states.
When General Mills announced its move to introduce GMO-free Cheerios, the company insisted it was opposed to state-based legislation and suggested legislators should seek a national solution.
“General Mills supports a national solution. There’s a government-approved national standard for labelling non-GM products in Europe and in Canada, and General Mills believes a national standard for labelling non-GM products would benefit American consumers as well. We’ve long opposed state-by-state labelling laws,” the company said.