A group which campaigns against the use of genetically modified organisms has threatened to campaign for a boycott of all Nestlé food products unless the Thai subsidiary of the Swiss food giant switches to a GM-free policy by 30 April.

The Anti-GMOs Network accused Nestlé of double standards in its dealings with Thai consumers, reported the Bangkok Post.

Sairung Thongplon, manager of the Confederation of Consumers Organisation of Thailand, said the standard of protection for Thai consumers must be on a par with consumers in European countries.

In response Nestlé (Thai) said it was unlikely to adopt a GM-free policy.

“The company believes that ingredients derived from GM crops that comply with strict regulatory and safety evaluations are safe for use in food production,” executive vice president for corporate affairs, Nophadol Siwabutr said.

Sairung also accused Nestlé of conspiring with US giants such as Monsanto. “If Nestle desires to secure its business in this country, the company must support Thai farmers by purchasing their crops, which are GM-free,” she was quoted by the Bangkok Post as saying.