Our comment pages in 2011 looked at Tesco’s challenges in the US, the uncertainty that surrounded the country’s largest dairy processor, Dean Foods, the disposals made by the UK’s largest food manufacturer, Premier Foods plc, and the price war that developed between Australia’s two largest retailers, Woolworths Ltd and Coles.

Talking shop: Has Tesco been “foolhardy” in the US?
Speculation is mounting over the future of Tesco’s operations in the US. Investor Warren Buffett has described the venture as “foolhardy”, while some industry watchers believe potential Californian restrictions on the sale of alcohol could be a hammer blow for business. Why has Fresh & Easy struggled so much in the US, and how likely is it that the loss-making venture will turn a profit?

Talking shop: Morrisons CEO begins to deliver on big ambitions
Morrisons CEO Dalton Philips has begun to work on delivering his big ambitions for the UK’s fourth largest grocer.

Comment: Scalzo’s departure adds to Dean Foods uncertainty
Dean Foods continues to have to deal with operational challenges and is also facing some potential strategic and financial questions. The exit of chief operating officer Joseph Scalzo emphasises the air of uncertainty around the US dairy company, writes Dean Best.

Talking shop: What is the future of convenience?
The major UK grocery retailers only account for some 4,000 of the 48,000 stores operating in the country’s fast-growing convenience sector, making it ripe for growth – and the leading players are scrambling to build a presence in the channel.

BRICs and beyond: Turkey – the gateway to the world
While Turkey is not seeing the same levels of growth as other developing markets like China and Brazil, retailers and manufacturers see potential in the market, not only as a developing market in its own right, but also for its strategic link between Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East. Petah Marian investigates Turkey’s potential.

In the spotlight: Uniq shows Greencore still has appetite for M&A
Despite its bid for Northern Foods failing earlier this year, Greencore has not lost its appetite for M&A with the announcement of a bid for food-to-go and desserts manufacturer Uniq. But, with the many challenges facing Uniq, and the UK private-label sector on the whole, is it a good investment?

Comment: Price-cutting gathers momentum in Australia
The price war that has been raging between Australia’s two largest supermarkets, Woolworths Ltd and Coles, looks set to continue apace. However, as supplier discontent mounts, supermarkets’ bargain basement tactics are drawing increasing controversy in the market, Katy Humphries writes.

Comment: Quorn sale unlikely to be last Premier Foods disposal
The news this morning (24 January) that Premier Foods plc has sold its meat-free business, ends months of speculation over the future of the business, which includes the Quorn and Cauldron brands.

Best bits: Carrefour to face tense shareholders
It’s likely Carrefour CEO Lars Olofsson will be a little apprehensive as he heads off for work tomorrow (21 June).

Best bits: Brasil Foods and Premier look to the future
The largest food manufacturers in Brazil and the UK can look ahead with more certainty than they could a week ago, Dean Best writes, but doubts still hang over the future of Latin American country’s biggest retailer.