The British government has been slammed for “over zealous” enforcement of EU environmental regulations on agricultural production. The accusations came in the “UK Horticulture: A Time for Understanding” report, produced by the National Farmers Union, which warns that the unprecedented increase in red tape may well mean that hundreds of fruit and vegetable growers relocate abroad.

Many growers are already facing reduced returns from low prices and the consequences of a strong pound. Those in the carrot sector witnessed yields drop by around 15% this year due to bad weather. Many are also facing increased competition, as over the last decade imports of vegetables have increased by 68%, and fruit 50%.

Under EU regulations, British growers are now facing a “Climate Change Levy” charge of up £50,000 each, despite the fact that their produce actually reduces carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. NFU deputy chairman Michael Parske believes that this could lead many growers to seek better treatment in other countries.