Upmarket UK retailer Waitrose has pledged its support for an industry-wide marketing campaign designed to promote organic food in the country.

The organisers behind the OrganicUK campaign have been looking for supporters to generate funding that it hopes will be matched by the EU.

The campaign has lodged a bid with the EU, which if successful, could mean the marketing push starts in the summer.

The OrganicUK push has received financial backing from the likes of Cadbury-owned Green & Black’s, children’s food maker Organix and dairy groups Rachel’s Organic and Yeo Valley.

Industry funding stands at GBP260,000 (US$423,000) and campaigners are looking for more backing that, combined with a successful bid to the EU, would take the pot to GBP2m for a three-year programme.

Waitrose brand manager for organic Andrea Watson said: ”It is crucial that consumers understand the points of difference around organics and what they are paying for.”