Cereal maker Kellogg has announced a cut of 25% in the salt content of Corn Flakes sold in the UK and Ireland.
“In blind tests the new recipe, which is due to hit supermarket shelves in earlier this week, was found to be the tastiest yet,” it said. The 25% reduction in Corn Flakes also applies to other popular Kellogg’s brands based on Corn Flakes, including Kellogg’s Frosties and Kellogg’s Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes. Shoppers will recognise the new reduced salt recipe by an on-pack ‘flash’.
Kellogg’s has already reduced salt in its cereals by 20% since 1998 and as part of its membership of the Association of Cereal Food Manufacturers it has committed to salt reductions across all of its cereal brands by 10% by the end of 2005.
Now, one 30gramme serving of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes contains 0.55g of salt, which contributes 9% of the Guideline Daily Allowance The same sized serving of Frosties (30g) provides 0.35g of salt – 6% GDA.
“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day but worryingly one in five kids are skipping it – despite evidence that those who eat breakfast tend to have more physical and mental energy thank than those who don’t,” said Alyson Greenhalgh-Ball, health and wellbeing manager at Kellogg. “Kellogg’s believes it’s important for shoppers to look at the total amount of salt they consume. Although breakfast cereals on average contribute a very small amount of salt in the diet -no more than 5% of the average adult intake-, we are committed to helping consumers reduce the amount of salt in their diets in line with government policies on salt reduction.”
Additionally, a GDA counter recently appeared on Kellogg’s packs to help shoppers achieve healthy levels of calories, fat, saturated fat, salt, calcium, iron, total sugars and fibre.